With the “Art Remixed” festival collection, all the unfinished fun will be aside, give BOO room here with the whole team going in. Here, BOO has characters that are celebrating, full of love and ecstasy: David Bảnh, Người Chơi Bài Hệ Thần Kinh, Thiên Thần Tha Thu and many illustrious brothers and sisters in the PHUC HUNG are waiting. you take on the package. The Art Remixed collection has officially launched with beautiful and quality outfits, ready to celebrate with you this festival season but still don’t forget FA but nothing!
With BOO Remix Holiday Season! For the Festival to be more bustling, the Ceremony is more brighter BOO – Coolness made from our street #BOO #BOOArtRemixed #CungBOORemixMuaLeHoi #ChoHoiThemRonRangLeThemRomRa